Hammad Anwar is a Marketing and Finance Major from the Lahore School of Economics and has been involved with Rabtt since its inception. He has worked with Nur Center for Research & Policy as a Project Officer, coordinating with a number of local and international agencies like Global Fund, UNICEF and Punjab Education Foundation on various health and education projects. Hammad has also been involved with a number of other social initiatives in various capacities, including My Voice Unheard, IPakistan and Akhuwat. He is also part of the US State Department Alumni, as he was nominated to their International Visitors’ Leadership Program (Theme: “Youth Activism through Social Media”) in April 2014.
Hammad has been working the development sector for last three years, with a special focus on education. He is one of the founding members of the nonprofit Rabtt, which translates as ‘connection’ and is an organized attempt to engage with students from public as well as private schools in Pakistan at a personal level and to foster in them the desire to think critically. Hammad serves as member of Rabtt’s Board of Directors and currently heading its Communication department. Using online marketing tools, he has successfully positioned Rabtt as a youth focused and dynamic organization.
In April, 2014, Hammad visited the US for a month with the US State Department’s International Visitors’ Leadership Program. While there, he had fruitful meetings with a number of government, business and nonprofit organizations on their use of social media as an effective tool of communication.
“This was a very much a learning experience for me, and the exposure that I got there made me more confident and enlightened. It is interesting to observe that we were using more or less the same social media tools back in Pakistan as in the USA, but the results were different due to the external environment. Personally, I got the chance to visit eight states in the US and experience the diversity.”
“As a Youth Ambassador at Chime In, I look forward to learning and sharing new ideas about the use of technology to make world a better and peaceful place where people coexist and embrace their differences. It is very important that we train the next generation to achieve this goal at a primary level. I am grateful to Chime In for providing me this opportunity and am looking forward to an exciting year ahead.”