Jeremiah Mungai Mwangi – Chime In Youth Ambassador, Kenya

Jeremiah-altAfter the post-election violence that ravaged Kenya in 2007 and 2008, Jeremiah Mwangi relocated with his family to Vumilia, a camp for

internally displaced people (IDPs) whose name, appropriately, means perseverance. One of 350,000 IDPs currently living in Kenya, Jeremiah is building peace in his country through the connection of sports and music. His soccer team is currently working to spread peace as they interact with teams from neighboring villages and camps. Jeremiah’s vision to promote peace throughout his country and the world is to begin by helping his fellow youth find forgiveness in their hearts.

With the support of the nonprofit organization, Jeremiah has also created an IT center in Vumilia to teach village youths basic computer schools. He is the brother of Naomi Mwangi, another Chime In Youth Ambassador.

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