My name is Lea Anne Almetwaly, I’m a Jordanian-American. I was born in Aqaba, Jordan and lived there until I was 15 years old. I then moved to Arlington, Texas and started high school. I’m of Palestinian decent, my father’s parents moved from Palestine to Jordan in 1948. My mother’s side of the family, is American of European heritage. I’m bilingual; I speak, read and write both Arabic and English fluently. I currently attend Tarrant County College and am the Vice President of the Student Government association in my College. I’m aspiring for an International studies major with a minor in Spanish, at the University of Texas Austin. In high school, I was a part of the debate team, and the congress branch of the competitions was very similar to the American Congress. I have participated in two Peace programs throughout my life; one was called Seeds of Peace, bringing students from seven different countries to a camp in Maine, to discuss political issues in their regions, and how to promote peace. After completing this program I was certified as an Ambassador of Peace. The other was Aqaba, Eilat One More Step towards Peace. Promoting peace between students in Jordan and Israel, through shared interests like sports and art. I was the Student leader in this program. After being a part of these programs, and then moving to the United States. I have realized the importance of humanizing “the other side”, to end the embedded hatred and fighting. Also how this issue exists all around our world, and in our everyday life, also how great encounters and opportunities are missed because of someone else’s hatred. My biggest inspirations in life have been my grandparents on my mother’s side. They have taught me to always strive to learn more and be compassionate and fair.
In addition, my future goals include, being an active humanist in different conflict regions and refugee camps all over the world, working for the UN.